Carolyn Garrett
Director, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Georgia Properties
Email: carolyn.garrett@bhhsgeorgia.comPhone: 404-210-1291
After growing up in the Midwest, I fortuitously found a home in Atlanta and a career in real estate. Who knew that way back when, all that time spent playing Monopoly would be a portent of things to come. What do I do? First and foremost, I help people with their real estate needs: buying, selling and leasing. And I’ve been working with buyers, sellers and landlords since 1990. Just when I think I have seen it all or done it all, something new lands on my doorstep to make me learn more, do more and be more for my clients. Now, faced with the reprisals of the subprime market and economic uncertainty, I am boldly going where no real estate agent has gone before (and I don’t mean outside the Perimeter) --moving forward in a difficult market armed with information, resources and a pro-active, get-the-job-done attitude.